Announcing SQL Connections

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Luke Posey, Product Manager


We're very excited to announce the release of SQL data connectors in Quadratic. With initial support for Postgres and MySQL.

SQL data connections

Gone are the days of exporting CSVs from your databases and importing them into your spreadsheets. With database connections you can trust you're always up to date with the latest data. Connect Quadratic to your databases through our Connections UI and start querying right away.

Example of SQL in Quadratic.

SQL cells are a new cell type in Quadratic, adding to the existing cell types of Python, JavaScript, and Formulas. SQL cells are your way to create data connections to databases directly from your spreadsheets.

Everyone can write advanced SQL queries in Quadratic

With Quadratic and AI, the entire SQL workflow is unlocked. Just describe your query in natural language, and the AI will return relevant and even advanced statements.

The following query was generated using natural language. The author is a novice SQL user who would only have been able to generate this query with the assistance of AI:

AI SQL query.

In Quadratic, the AI has context of your table names, column names, and data types, meaning the AI can help you build queries as simple or complex as you need.

Built for performance

At Quadratic one of our guiding product principles is leading the web based data science tooling world on performance. Enabled by our native optimizations in Rust, Quadratic SQL can return thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of cells of data to your sheet in under a second. Notice the following query to a PostgreSQL database that happens almost instantly.

This is enabled by a unique modern approach to converting SQL types to Arrow to transport the data in Parquet, all done in Rust.

Request a connection

We launched with PostgreSQL and MySQL support. We are adding more native data connectors based on what users request. Contact us and let us know what you connectors your organization would like built! Further, the connections page will be kept up to date with what connections are launched and ready to be connected to your spreadsheets.

Ready to get started with connections? Sign up/log in or read the SQL docs to learn how to get started.

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