Airtable API

Visual representation of the Airtable API spreadsheet integration with Quadratic

With the growing popularity of Airtable, more and more people want the ease of the Airtable database approach with the functionality of a spreadsheet. Enclosed is an example for how to get data to and from Airtable.


First, retrieve your bearer token by creating your access token here:

Assign the necessary permissions: read, write, etc. (Note: write permissions do not give you read permissions)

Get data

Replace the bearer token, app_id, and table_id in the code below.

You can get the app_id and table_id by checking the URL of any of your Airtable tables. The app_id is the first string that is named app, e.g. app395hgzd948 and the table_id is the first string named tbl, e.g. tbl39328jgg9.

import requests
import pandas as pd

headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer <your_bearer_token_here>"}
response = requests.get('<your_app_id_here>/<your_table_id_here>', headers=headers)

df = pd.json_normalize(response.json()['records'])

You can also submit data from your spreadsheets to your Airtable. Follow the Airtable docs for more endpoints and information:

Need help making this connection? Feel free to reach out to for help.

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